Priključite nam se na projektima programa Erasmus +

Od 2017. godine aktivno učestvujemo u Erasmus + programu kao koordinatori ili partneri na projektima. U naredne dve godine, partneri smo na 7 projekata čiji su koordinatori naši saradnici iz Nemačke, Slovenije, Belgije, Grčke, Poljske. Pridružite nam se i učestvujte u omladinskim razmenama i treninzima koji se održavaju u Briselu, Zakopane, Oldenburgu, Ljubljani, itd.

Ukoliko ste zainteresovani možete nam se javiti sa pitanjima na mail –




CRISP – Berlin, Germany

Project title

TAYA – Training Active Youth Workers in Anti-Discrimination-Education

Action type

KA105 – Training for youth workers and youth exchange

Web adress

Number of participants

27 in total – 3 participants from DAJ MI RUKU/1 participant needed

Participants profile

Participants take part in both trainings, either have some (at least first) experience in non-formal education and/or have made first steps in learning about racism and discrimination

Participation fee per participants

50 E, it could be cover by „DAJ MI RUKU“


1. Training I: Fundamentals of Anti-Discrimination-Education, from 14 – 22 September 2021 in Stratoni (Halkidiki),  Greece (7 working days)

• Theoretical foundations of Postcolonial and Critical Whiteness Studies

• Topical concepts definitions of discrimination, racism and intersectionality

• Biography work, self-reflection & empowerment


2.   Training II: From Theory to Practice, from 05 – 11 November 2021 in Baitz 

(close to  Berlin), Germany (5 working days)

•Non-formal education-methodologies of anti-bias and anti-racism education

•Concept- and method-assessment against the background of decolonial and anti-racist approaches

•Development of a facilitation guideline


–        This project addresses European youth workers who are active in forms of facilitating activities for their target group and who want to deepen their knowledge on topics related to flight, migration, prejudice and human rights and how to use this knowledge when conducting workshops. We want to reach young youth workers with little or no experience at all as well as those who have been in the facilitation business for some time.

–        The youth workers exchange could take the form of two workshops in which, based on the trainings provided by our organizations, a common guideline for such youth workers is developed by the participants themselves. There will be a testing phase between the workshops. Eventually, there will be a youth exchange  with a diverse group of final beneficiaries at which the facilitators can apply their knowledge.

–        The trainings include guided study-visits to modern and historical sites in Berlin and Halkidiki. Both will have a strong focus on interactive learning and close and regular exchange. Methods and concepts are repeatedly reflected upon and discussed in terms of their practical suitability in order to ensure a differentiated and target group-oriented application in practice.

Project costs

All costs of travel and accommodation are covered by coordinator and DAJ MI RUKU




Project title

Building up myself

Action type

KA105 – Training course, APV[1] and 2 youth exchanges

Web adress

Number of participants

49 in total – 7 participants from DAJ MI RUKU/4 participants needed

Participants profile

2 youth leaders (under 18) and 5 young people age  between 17 and 22

Participation fee per participants



1.      Training course in Slovenia 4 days (1 experienced youth leader and 1 less experienced youth leader)

–        The topics on the TC will be non-formal education, wellbeing, youth with fewer opportunities, active participation, emotional intelligence and how to support the team during the preparation for the youth exchange. One of the reasons would also be to set the expectations, create a team of the leaders and to learn how to step back from the “leading” and start to support the young people to create their own project. Leaders would create a learning plan for the preparation part of the project.

2.      Preparation activities – local activities (The team)

–        During this time, leaders would execute the learning plan with the team of the youngsters and support them at creating their own programme for the youth exchange. All participants should get to know each other online at some point.

3.      APV in Germany (Less experienced youth leader from TC and  1 young participant)

–        Less experienced youth leader and one of the young participants should come to APV to finalize the programme for the first youth exchange and meet the other teams. One ZOOM meeting with all participants should be made.

4.      Youth exchange 1 in Germany, Oldenburg (2 youth leaders from TC and 5 young participants)

–        Young participants make their own youth exchange, while youth leaders support them with the reflection, evaluation, raising awareness about the learning process and other things they would need help with. Participants plan to practice something between both youth exchanges and prepare the programme for the second youth exchange. Topic for this youth exchange is interpersonal wellbeing (who I am? What makes me happy? What are my strengths?)

5.      Youth exchange 2 in Germany, Oldenburg (2 youth leaders from TC and 5 young participants)

–        Young participants make their own youth exchange, while youth leaders support them with the reflection, evaluation, raising awareness about the learning process and other things they would need help with. Participants plan dissemination activities in their local community. The topic of this youth exchange is interpersonal wellbeing (Who inspires me? What kind of environment I want to live in? How to influence social change?)

6.      Dissemination activities – local activities (The team)

–        Young participants make dissemination activities at home.

–   The exact dates for organizing the activities will be determined in July 2021., the project lasts 2 years


Main topic is NFL (Non formal learning)

Project costs

All costs of travel and accommodation are covered by coordinator and DAJ MI RUKU



Centrum Inicjatyw Europejskich “Silesiana” – Poland

Project title

Power within us

Action type

KA105 – Youth exchange

Web adress

Number of participants

35 in total – 7 participants from DAJ MI RUKU/6 participants needed

Participants profile

1 youth leader and 6 young people (age between 18 and 26)

Participation fee per participants


Youth exchange, 9 days in Krakow and Zakopane, early September


– increase civic activity, to broaden the knowledge of participants on democracy field, rights and civil liberties, human rights, increase European awareness and discussion about the future of Europe, to make young people aware that it depends on them what the reality will look like.

– Results: a mural, promotional spot, film and short promo publication/ article with conclusions from the workshops

Project costs

All costs of travel and accommodation are covered by coordinator and DAJ MI RUKU



BUSINESS MENTALITY, Thessaloniki – Greece

Project title

Youth are the Future!

Action type

KA105 – APV and Youth exchange

Web adress

Number of participants

54 in total – 6 participants from DAJ MI RUKU/3 participants needed

Participants profile

1 youth leader and 5 young people (18-25 years old)

Participation fee per participants


1. APV (preparatory visit): 25-26/09/2021 (1 youth leader who will lead the group       during youth exchange) in Nea Kallikratia

2. Youth Exchange: 6-14/03/2022 in northern part of Greece


– We will work together to allay fears and create opportunities. As we begin this ‘’journey’’, we must make the most of all possible papers, our talent and potential. Must focus on equality and creating opportunities for all.

– Improve and strengthen the knowledge, digital skills and behaviors of participants and support long term unemployed young people to think first as European Citizens.

– Provide a safe space to establish an effective intercultural learning and dialogue between its participants as well as to explore the connection between the lack of intercultural understanding and the emergence of the stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination.

– Improve the inter-cultural and social skills of young people and youth leaders as well as their competences to manage and work with diversity in all its forms.

– Encourage youth to active participation learning new digital skills, national and European level and empower them to be agents the change in their society.

– Promote Erasmus + programme as a tool for work unemployment issues and development of digital skills of young people, opportunity for reaching and enabling active participation of disadvantaged groups of people and possibility for youngsters to take the action.

– Young people will be informed about the objectives of the European Commission and will be invited to transfer their knowledge to their country of origin.

– Teaches young people how to promote themselves and how to build attractive job market profile

Project costs

All costs of travel and accommodation are covered by coordinator and DAJ MI RUKU



YOUTH PROAKTIV – Brussels, Belgium

Project title

Technological Literacy 4.0: the way towards inclusion

Action type

KA105 – Training for Youth leaders

Web adress

Number of participants

13 organization in total – 2 participants from DAJ MI RUKU/2 participants needed

Participants profile

To be determed

Participation fee per participants



Training for Youth leaders 21 to the 26th of November 2021, Brussels


–  training youth workers on technological literacy and basic skills of programing and the best ways and tools to teach technological literacy to disadvantaged youngsters as a direct way for social and labor inclusion in the XXI century

Project costs

All costs of travel and accommodation are covered by coordinator and DAJ MI RUKU



Cooperativa Sociale META Onlus – Monza, Italy

Project title

Green Go

Action type

KA105 – Youth exchange

Web adress

Number of participants

50  in total – 14 participants from DAJ MI RUKU/ no more participants needed

Participants profile

2 Youth leaders, 2 assistant and 10 young people (from 14 to 17 years old)

Participation fee per participants



Youth exchange, from 31st August to 9th September 2021 in Cascina Costa Alta, located in Monza Park


The thread of the summer camp will be the monitoring and analysis of the water which includes several phases: sample recovery at various points of Lambro river, observation, PH tests, chemical tests and I.F.F. calculation.

Project costs

All costs of travel and accommodation are covered by coordinator and DAJ MI RUKU



Mladinski center Zagorje ob Savi – Zagorje ob Savi, Slovenia

Project title

Can you hear me? I hear you

Action type

KA205 – Studie visit, training, 2 meetings

Web adress

Number of participants

12 in total –  4 participants from DAJ MI RUKU/ 2 participant needed

Participants profile

Youth leaders experience in working in youth centers/trainers

Participation fee per participants


Studie visit, training, 2 meetings. Dates to be determined


The objectives of the project are: 

– Organize a study visit for 12 youth workers by experiencing good practices in working with youth in distress 

– Carry out a training for youth workers on the theme of “self care”

 – moderating the youth workers before work with the young in distress 

– Develop 10 new tools for support mechanisms for working with young people in distress 

– Explore at least 15 existing tools that already exist for working with young people in distress and adapt them to the specific work in day care centers 

– Develop 4-day educational module for volunteers and youth workers, where through volunteer activities, volunteers and new youth workers will be empowered to work with young people in distress and will be tested with 20 youth workers 

– Design a protocol for working with young people in distress 

– Organize at least 3 dissemination multiplicative events for 150 youth workers 

Intellectual outputs to be developed as part of a strategic partnership Do you hear me? I hear you: 

IO 1: A curriculum for 4 day training for working with young people in distress 

IO 2: The manual for youth workers, dedicated to working with young people in distress 

IO 3: Protocol (first aid for youth workers) to work with young people in distress

Project costs

All costs of travel and accommodation are covered by coordinator and DAJ MI RUKU

[1] Advance Planning Visit

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